Irish Australian Business Awards Peoples Choice 2019
Halaxy(formerly HealthKit) provides a first-class online health platform that allows health practitioners to run more effective practices, and patients to realise improved health outcomes around the world. Immediate benefits include reduced consultation costs, significantly reduced wait times, and patient being provided with the tools they need to take greater ownership over their health.
The past few years have seen Halaxy:
- establish its first overseas office and EMEA headquarters based in Cork, Ireland to facilitate and rapidly expand its global growth.
- grow its practitioner base to thousands of active practitioners located in 131 countries.
- provide customised health practice management services to practitioners in 70 distinct health professions.
Halaxy is now in 'scale-up' mode where it's product is proven and is now rapidly expanding across the world. Our Cork and Melbourne offices play a central role in this continued expansion and success. Halaxy offers a complete health management platform for practitioners and patients, no other business of its kind exists and is proven on a global scale like Halaxy.
Halaxy's cloud-based architecture, and its significant customer-led insight and development process rapidly receives and implements practitioner requests, providing first-class software to all practitioners. The product improves with every day for every practitioner across the globe.
In 12 months of operation Halaxy EMEA (Cork, Ireland) has played a significant role in expanding the product and the market reach across Australia, Ireland, and the wider world thanks to the insights and product specifications it has generated. Halaxy's Cork EMEA Office opening has had a profoundly positive impact on Halaxy's global growth, international market share, and improvement to internal processes. Thanks to our talented staff and Ireland's time-zone, our Cork EMEA Office directly:
-- generates 65% of product improvements, leading to accelerated growth across Ireland, the U.K., South Africa, Europe and East Coast USA.
-- leads the business' internal global scaling projects. These projects have directly resulted in a ten-fold expansion to the business' global yet localised country-specific medical fees data as one example.